“Thank You to ALL of the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters for Honoring my Friend! Eric was truly “The Best of Us”. We owe all of you that put on a uniform every day and do whatever it takes to keep the rest of us safe, an enormous debt of gratitude for Everything that you ALL do for us on a daily basis!!”
Submitted By: Keith Reynolds (lifelong friend)
Date Added: 9-12-18
“Some years ago, my wife and I were fostering a 4 year old little boy. Because of his parents’ alcoholism and the subsequent interactions with law enforcement, the young boy had the wrong impression of those in uniform. One day, while driving past the Sheriff’s Substation in Ortonville, I stopped in to explain the situation and asked if we could coordinate a “chance” meeting at our home. Deputy Overall volunteered before I could finish making my request. I could see that he had just picked up a fast food lunch that he must have eaten quickly before passing by and spend the rest of his lunchtime with us. We don’t often know the full impact we have on others, even with simple gestures. Thank you Deputy Overall.”
Submitted By: Sam Scime (Brandon Township resident)
Date Added: 12-24-19